Happy Valentine’s Day to the non-profit sector

Fév 11, 2022 | Pour s'amuser

While we have a hard time picking between Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day, we know who we’re smitten with this year… it’s all the non-profit professionals and leaders who work so hard to improve their communities.

Do you have a non-profit pal in your network you want to celebrate with? Send them a little Valentine that we’ve made especially for today.

Want some valentines?

With silly references to fiscal year end and the dreaded Excel spreadsheet, these little valentines will have you (and someone you love!) laughing at your desk.

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Already signed up? Don’t worry, we won’t double-subscribe you. We’ll just update your contact info.

Written by Jacq Brasseur

Jacq is the CEO & Principal Consultant at i+d. With over 10 years of experience in the non-profit sector, they're love thinking up creative ways to challenge the norms while still getting things done.

You can usually find Jacq drinking Diet Pepsi and watching something great on Netflix when they're not working.