Projets en cours
C’est ici que vous pouvez lire à propos des projets en cours qui invitent à la collaboration ou à la connexion avec les communautés.
Funding the Rainbow: Report on Informing Queer & Trans Inclusive Funding Practices at SaskCulture
About the Report Provided by Ivy + Dean Consulting (i+d), this report includes the details and findings of asecondary research project commissioned by SaskCulture to provide a comprehensivereport of promising and leading practices for meaningfully and authentically...
Creating Guidebooks for NWT GSAs
About the project With funding from the Government of Northwest Territories, the Northern Mosaic Network is developing a series of guidebooks for GSAs to use across the territory. These guidebooks are being created in consultation with Northern 2SGLBTQIPA+ youth.WANT...
Inspire Impact Evaluation
About the project For this project, we're working closely with Small Economy Works (SEW) to develop an understanding of the success and opportunities with their Inspire NWT, Inspire Yukon and Inspire Nunavut programs. SEW's flagship “Inspire” Program is currently...
Community Collaboration for Sexual Health & Wellness
About the project Service statistics show that Planned Parenthood Regina is primarily serving the general population in need of basic health care like routine pap smears and birth control renewals that could be done at less specialised locations. Planned Parenthood...
Fostering a Community-led Future for Folk on the Rocks
About the project Folk on the Rocks (FOTR), a music festival that we love, is working on developing their strategic plan. They've hired us to help! Over the next 6 months, we'll be working with both FOTR, and the people who love the festival, to create a plan for the...
A DEI Framework for Family Service Regina
About the project Family Service Regina (FSR) is creating a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) framework to ensure its program and service delivery is culturally appropriate and provided in an environment that is rich in DEI. They have hired us, Ivy + Dean...
2SLGBTQIAP+ Communities in Regina Project
About the project On June 15th 2022, the City of Regina's City Council passed MN22-4 2SLGBTQIAP+ Communities in Regina. This motion required City Administration to prepare a report regarding the experiences of 2SLGBTQIAP+ people in the City. Ivy + Dean Consulting was...
Soutenir les entrepreneurs LGBT+ les plus marginalisés du Canada
About the project The CGLCC is currently working on discovering and implementing an equity-minded governance model that allows for LGBT+ BIPOC and Trans entrepreneurs to have a meaningful voice at the table of the CGLCC. To support them in this work, they’ve hired Ivy...
Redefining the Non-Profit Sector: Youth Engagement Panel
Youth engagement continues to be a hot topic in the non-profit sector, but how can we ensure we engage youth effectively? We’re asking the experts with a panel of three youth leaders discussing their experiences within the sector as well as tips for organizations...
ED Sask
About the program Ivy + Dean's ED Sask is a program meant to provide a regular networking and peer support opportunity for non-profit leaders in Saskatchewan. Whether you're working with a community-based organization, a membership association, an arts organization,...
Regina, SK et Yellowknife, TNO
Notre équipe partageant son temps entre Regina et Yellowknife, nous nous concentrons sur les communautés mal desservies. Vous ne nous trouverez pas en train de chercher des clients dans les régions urbaines et métropolitaines du pays. Nous sommes fiers d’avoir des racines dans les Prairies et le Nord du Canada.
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici, et nous vous répondrons dès que possible.